And One to Grow On

The final day of Black History Month deserves a special bonus and I believe Eloise Greenfield and Daniel Minter’s book—all sixteen pages that feel like eight—fits the bill. It’s about mid-wives, the women who “caught” the babies. “Somewhere in the African past,before the guns, before the shackles,before the kidnappingsof story-tellers and sky-readers,musicians, dancers, doctors,sculptors, teachers, planters,hunters,Continue reading “And One to Grow On”

You’d Think I Know Better

I have a habit of collecting interesting discoveries from the backyard. Sometimes I slip them in a pocket and forget about them until they’re discovered in the washer or even the dryer. Having to clean up the messes is punishment enough until the next time I forget. Too often something live or its eggs accompaniesContinue reading “You’d Think I Know Better”

Bug Woman - Adventures in London

Because a community is more than just people


Losing weight deliciously. Recipes, thoughts, and tips from The Downsizing Diva.

Drawn In

Art • Nature • Exploration

Lee Muir-Haman Watercolor Painting

watercolor paintings, instruction and inspiration

Posie Gets Cozy

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Sara Somewhere

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where the journey takes me 2

- crafting a simple, sustainable and organised life -

Tales From the Nexus

Gather 'round...


Images and Incidentals

Oh Say What is Truth?

Towards a More Perfect Understanding


500 words a day on whatever I want

Yards of Happiness

A blog about knitting and things that bring me joy.

The Task at Hand

A Writer's On-Going Search for Just the Right Words

Little Cotton Rabbits

Living out loud, quietly and with purpose.

a Friend to knit with

Living out loud, quietly and with purpose.

My Quiet Life in Suffolk

Living out loud, quietly and with purpose.

fenland lottie

Living out loud, quietly and with purpose.

Above the River

Living out loud, quietly and with purpose.