A Friday Flashback

On a whim I googled “British newspapers” after doing the same for Ireland and Scotland. Back when I was all about penfriends and penpals (More on the phenom later.), I tried to learn a bit about what was going on where my “friends” lived in order not to be ignorant. I discovered not much has changed, just like here, but it seems their newspapers have become more truthful and open about daily life. And you know what? Learning those bits of truth was nevertheless surprisingly painful and disappointing, if that makes sense.

We are all the same no matter where we live. Our languages, rituals, weather, and some of our problems are different but people are people around the globe. Friends who have visited foreign places have reported how disappointing it was to discover the sameness and similarities that define humanity. People get drunk, are happy in the face of adversity, will risk their lives to help someone in need, will rob, beat, steal, kill others . . . But mostly their good outweighs the bad.

The foreign newspapers proved not to be so foreign after all. They contained good news, bad news, crossword puzzles, opinion sections, food sections, but very few comics. I forgot to search for obituaries! While I do not expect anyone to speak ill of the dead, I am curious enough to wonder how much is revealed about the deceased beyond date of birth and death. It’s been a while since I read a birth announcement in our local paper, too.

I especially enjoy reading food sections. Recipes are curious offerings. They reveal more than I realized before today. Menus often put me off trying many of the dishes included in a single meal–even lunch. I cannot imagine eating baked beans for breakfast. Lunch and dinner are okay but breakfast? No offense intended.

Back to the good old days of PBS when there was less to offer us here in the US of A. I enjoyed the shows more because I was curious and they offered insight into things I’d only read about before the Internet. I learned what a rasher of bacon was, having only just learned that a rasher of ham will be on the same plate, alongside an egg and toast, whereas here, there might be grits and or gravy. There is no accounting for taste, huh?

I keep going back to food. I must be hungry despite having finished yesterday’s take-out leftovers from the Saltgrass. So, moving on yet again . . .

An American fell in love with a British citizen and moved to a place I’d only read about before. Manchester. We met as penpals and were friends for over ten years until she did the unthinkable. But she taught me a lot about her adopted country and some of their “village people.” She sent boxes of edible treats and lovelies such as everything one might need for a proper British tea, including tea, a tea pot, cups . . .

I’m in the process of getting rid of all the things I no longer use. My studio needs a through down-sizing. My shredder is getting quite a workout but my heart will not allow me to toss or shred a single piece of mail from the penpal era. We’re talking boxes and boxes of mail so I have to work around them. But a single discovery brought the great clean-out to a grinding halt.

Aha! I cannot help but wonder if Eastenders still aired, seeing as how it’s been more than a minute since I last watched. Addicted is the only word that describes my relationship with that show back in the day, despite the poor writing and improbable situations presented as reality. And, no, I wasn’t into American soap operas such as Dynasty. I always referred to it as “die nasty” for obvious reasons. But Eastenders had a grip that nothing could loosen.

The awful postcard is postmarked 15 August 2007. See? I told you it’s been more than a minute since the show and I parted ways, too. One day I practically loved it and suddenly I didn’t. In the meantime Dot and Jim married, divorced or had babies (jk) then there was news that June Brown died. That was really the end. She was 95. Her deplorable son planned to steal Dot’s bingo winnings . . . This still makes me laugh so hard I can no longer weep over June’s/Dot’s passing. She will forever live on in Wolford alongside the wimp Ian Beale. LOL. Sorry.

I googled Eastenders and discovered the show is alive and well after all these years. Here’s hoping there’s a new Dot, a new Cath, Ian, Jim . . . Peggy, too! Eastenders forever!

Published by Bobbie Jean

There's nothing to tell.

3 thoughts on “A Friday Flashback

  1. It’s interesting that you see the British newspapers as truthful! I almost went into a bit of a rant, but deleted it. We try to get our news from other sources as well as the mainstream press, just to get a different point of view. Hubby subscribes to the New York Times and the Irish Times, both of which portray the UK very differently from the way it’s described in our press. The monarchy, and the government, are so sycophantic – they dare not upset the press because the press can be so damaging, hurtful and plain dangerous. Oops. Started ranting again.

    Yep, East Enders is still going strong. Along with Coronation Street and Emmerdale Farm, but Brookside seems to have bitten the dust.

    Stay well x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for reminding me of how disappointed I have been in your press before. It’s as bad as ours but I cannot be a good judge of foreign journalism while reading from the outside-in can I? It’s just that there’s something different about the articles I read while investigating a handful of your papers. The Irish don’t seem to hold back at all though. (The Irish Times is a trusted source of journalism since 1859 . . .” I don’t want to offend the Scots so will just sit on my hands when it comes to them. Truth is I don’t recall anything I read in their papers yesterday.

      Sycophantic? After the way they clamped on to Catherine before she shared her diagnosis? I defer to your assessment though. But like I said, I used to read bits of news back when I had British penfriends and my American deserter sent articles from magazines and papers, making it all the more interesting. I read three or four papers each morning, starting with my hometown’s NewsBoy. Afterwards, I am grateful that I live here and refuse to read our own paper after having subscribed for decades.

      I never even tried to watch Coronation Street. Never heard of Emmerdale Farm or Brookside. Will check out Emmerdale Farm just for the heck of it. Thanks.

      Ranting is allowed. LOL. People tend to speak their truth when they rant.

      Be well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah, I meant the “sycophantic” reference about the government and the monarchy! the press are predatory. I really think that the reason Catherine decided to open up about her cancer was to shut them up about the bloody altered photo. And it worked! as if the press never alter photos! Grrrr.

        There is a story (apocryphal maybe?) that when Rupert Murdoch (if I were religious, I’d say “may he rot in hell”) was asked why he deals with the UK government, replied “because they do as I tell them”. Sigh.

        But the crosswords, food sections, etc, seem to be universal!


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